Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Changes to Illinois Law on Child Support

Did you know Illinois law governing child support calculations changed significantly on July 1, 2017? The amendments to Illinois law replaced the previous percentage guideline formula with an income shares formula for calculating child support. 

If you have questions about parental responsibilities or child support in Illinois, please do not hesitate to contact Jeff W. Lindsay for a $25/30 minute consultation. (309) 827-5426, info@jeffwlindsay.com. For fastest service go to my website or Click Here to schedule a $25/30 minute initial consultation. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The End of Sole v. Joint Custody In Illinois

Did you know the law on child custody in Illinois has changed? 

On January 1, 2016, Illinois judges and attorneys began using the words “allocation of parental responsibilities” instead of custody to describe who is responsible for making decisions for a minor child and with whom a minor child spends time.

Parental responsibilities are divided into two categories and can be allocated to one or both parents:

Significant decision-making responsibilities, which include decisions for the minor child in regards to education, healthcare, extracurricular activities and religion; and 

Parenting time, which defines the time the minor child spends with either parent.

If you have questions about parental responsibilities in Illinois, please contact the law firm of Jeff W. Lindsay, P.C. for a $25.00/30 minute consultation at (309) 827-5426info@jeffwlindsay.com and visit our website at www.jeffwlindsay.com.